
A digital pen & ink illustration showing an old-school arcade cabinet with a Polybius marquee and screen text

This one’s for my own story, inspired by the legend of Polybius. No, not the Greek historian, but an urban legend about a fictitious 1981 arcade game designed by the US government. If you’re so inclined, you can read about it in Aegeon #9.

The Duelists

A digital pen & ink illustration showing a dogfight between two biplanes.

As the era of manned military aviation is slowly drawing to a close, it was nice to reminisce about its beginnings, thanks to a story by C.P.Webster I had the privilege of illustrating. And since Aegeon stories usually involve an aspect of the fantastical, you know it’s not just about WW1 and biplanes.

Aegeon #9

Aegeon issue 9 on a wooden table, with a miniature bust of Homer next to it.

Long time no see, my esteemed visitors (both of you).
Aegeon #9 spent a lot more time in the oven than it was supposed to! Now it’s finally here, as you can see above (miniature bust of Homer provided for size reference). Not only that, it’s number-fucking-one in new short story releases on Amazon!
In the following days, I shall post some of the images I contributed to this issue, even though I’m busy working on a super-secret project.

The Three Gods of Art

A digital pen & ink illustration showing 3 monsters dubbed 'The 3 Gods of Art' from the book Dullahan - Samhradh.

This is possibly the weirdest illustration I made for Dullahan – Samhradh, and the last one I’m going to post here. To see the others, you’ll have to buy the book! It shows the three monstrous ‘Gods of Art’ who came out of the underworld to reclaim magical instruments that were stolen from them. Charming fellows.

Have a Drink

A digital pen & ink illustration showing a man sat at a table opposite the viewer, with a living severed head a goblet, a mug, and spilled wine on the table.

Here’s Devlin, one of the main characters from Dullahan – Samhradh, demonstrating a concept by spilling perfectly good wine. Pig, the living severed head, is probably thinking ‘What a terrible waste. I wish I still had a stomach, I could really use a drink right now.’

You Saved Me

A digital pen & ink illustration showing a man, a young girl, and a living severed head camping by a fire, with the man's armor and weapons in the background.

‘You saved me,’ says Niamh to Dullahan, her fatherly protector, as they rest by the cozy fire. ‘Pig’, the magically animated severed head, looks on.
This is one of the 13 interior illustrations for the recently published book Dullahan – Samhradh, which I illustrated.

Dullahan – Samhradh

Amazon cover of Dullahan - Samhradh

I can finally reveal the reason I haven’t been updating the site in a while: I was working on a book! Cover plus 13 internal illustrations. It’s a historical fantasy novel called Dullahan – Samhradh by @whitepillmedia, based on Irish mythology. It’s well written, sometimes weird (in a good way) and really quite unique. You can read the first chapter for free here. I’ll be posting a couple of the internal illustrations here in the following days.